Current Research
At the University of Texas, Rachel is currently examining the impact of upper limb behaviors on the forces generated during yogic headstanding. You may be able to participate! Please see the Participate in Yoga Research page.
Prior Research
- Sirsasana (headstand) technique alters head/neck loading: considerations for safety
Upcoming Research
- An examination of the qualitative factors leading to injury during yoga asana practice
As noted on the Current and Prior Research page, Rachel is engaged in ongoing yoga-related research. Qualifications for her current study are as follows:
- Ability to hold basket and tripod headstands for 5 breath cycles with a spotter
- No neck injuries
- Active yoga practice
To participate, please email
What Rachel's Reading
Research doesn't stop in the lab. Yoga research is being conducted worldwide at a fever pitch. Check out the blog for up-to-date thoughts and postings about the most current yoga articles being published.